( there is a whole story that goes with this over at Watergate Summer,
about losing an English Lover....10.05.07 )
Big pan on stove.
1 large can Pumpkin Pie filling
One Frozen Box of Squash
1 cup International Delight Pumpkin Pie Coffee Creamer
1 cup regular cream
1 tablespoon coffee
half stick butter
half cup orange juice
Hungarian Paprika-1 tsp
Black Pepper-smidge
Sea Salt-sprinkle across top
Curry-2 tsp.
Chili Powder (optional) smidge
brown sugar- 2 tsps.
Hot Coco-2tsps.
lemon zested over the top
orange zested over the top.
Heat on low, stir gently.Cook for about 20 minutes, serve with dollup of sour cream and sprig of fresh cilantro.Enjoy.
hmm..that does sound good (sorry I missed the sad love story..I have a weakness for those brits..sigh..no, not married to one [g])..
anyhow..I once made pumpkin, chicken curry and for the life of me, cannot find the recipe nor can remake that original great dish..
if ever I do..I'll let you know. Other than soups or as add-in.. I do not like pumpkin pie AT ALL! Never liked it ever since emigrating to North America..eek.
Oh ingrid..I will hook you up to the sad love story...I think it was October 2007 that I posted it over on watergate summer...I will find it for you...it is a good one...it involves some funny memories...
ooops I already wrote on the post the story is on 10.05.07 Watergate Summer....
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