Sunday, August 3, 2008

Why Naked Sushi ?

(originally posted 7.16.08)

Why Naked ? And did I mean Me or the Sushi ? I meant the Sushi....sorry. See here is the thing I was remarking to a friend that I can't eat Hot Food right now, spicy or temperature wise.( I have a Gatroeneritis thing going the Some Changes were kind of in Order)...... And then I joked " Oh, gee , I am really really craving sushi right now, I guess it will have to be naked."

So I have been eating Cold Naked Sushi and Cold Rice Noodles all week, No Wasabi, No Horseradish, No Ginger.....but that one comment got me thinking about how much Food can be a Diversion, a Escape. We are living through Dark Times right now, if we had a little snack shop on the corner to meet , we could share our snacks and Iced Cold Tea and food and Cooking Ideas....and yeah , Soulfood.

So let's meet here, and share Receipes and some Soulfood here.
We can have All Kinds of Food and Themes.

But for tonight....Some Sushi...the Best Soulfood around.
Video treat: How to Make Sushi ( wonderful video)


Enigma4ever said...

I still need to update the Blogroll....sorry...Little patience while it is in Embryo form...

enigma4ever said...
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